GTS-2015 Conference and Exhibition Participants
# | Company | Country | Status |
1. | ACSYS LTD | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
2. | Aerospace monitoring and technologies CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
3. | Argus pipeline service | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
4. | ASGiNK, SRO | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
5. | Avtokom Neftegas LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
6. | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
7. | BPC Engineering Ltd. | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
8. | BT SVAP LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
9. | Сenter of Pipeline System & Engineering Expertise | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
10. | Centrenergogaz SC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
11. | Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
12. | Chemservice JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
13. | Construction and Installation Trust SC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
14. | Den Rus | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
15. | DNV GL | Norway | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
16. | ECHO+, Scientific Production Center of Nondestructive Ultrasonic Testing, Co Ltd. | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
17. | Electrode plant CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
18. | ELTERM-S, Scientific-productive enterprise, LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
19. | Energodiagnostika Co. Ltd | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
20. | Energofinstroy LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
21. | ENGIE (GDF Suez) | France/ Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
22. | Engineering and Technical centre — a branch of Gazprom transgaz Krasnodar LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
23. | EnTechMach, RPC LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
24. | Enterprise-CNO-Himmash Ltd | Russia | participation in the Conference |
25. | ESAB LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
26. | ETS, NPF CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
27. | EuRoPol GAZ s.a. | Poland | participation in the Conference |
28. | Expo Forum International LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
29. | FULLEREN SPA Ltd. | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
30. | Gazproekt-DKR LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
31. | Gasprojectengineering JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
32. | Gazprom avtomatizatsiya PJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
33. | Gazprom centrremont LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
34. | Gazprom dobycha Nadym LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
35. | Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
36. | Gazprom dobycha Yamburg LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
37. | Gazprom engineering LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
38. | Gazprom neft JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
39. | Gazprom Promgaz SC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
40. | Gazprom PSC | Russia | organizer, participation in the Conference with a presentation |
41. | Gazprom Space Systems JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
42. | Gazprom StroyTEK Salavat CJSC | Russia | Silver sponsor; participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
43. | Gazprom transgaz Nizhni Novgorod LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
44. | Gazprom transgaz Ekaterinburg LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
45. | Gazprom transgaz Krasnodar LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
46. | Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
47. | Gazprom transgaz Samara LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
48. | Gazprom transgaz Stavropol LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
49. | Gazprom transgaz Surgut LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
50. | Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
51. | Gazprom transgaz Ukhta LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
52. | Gazprom transgaz Volgograd LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
53. | Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
54. | Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC | Russia | organizer, participation in the Conference with a presentation |
55. | GAZSTROYDETAL JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
56. | Gazstroymashina LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
57. | Gaztranzit LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
58. | GCE Group LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
59. | Genborg | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
60. | GE RUS | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
61. | GeoTEK Ltd. | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
62. | Giprogazcenter SC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
63. | Giprospetsgaz SC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
64. | Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas | Russia | participation in the Conference |
65. | Hydroaerocenter Group | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
66. | Hydrocarbon Processing Project Kosmos-Neft-Gas LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
67. | Industrial Risk Research Agency, ANO | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
68. | Industrial Safety, R & D Center | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
69. | INTRA Project LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
70. | INTRA Services Company LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
71. | INTRALINE LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
72. | Inzhener — Proektirovschik, NP SRO | Russia | participation in the Conference |
73. | Inzhener-Izyskatel, NP SRO | Russia | participation in the Conference |
74. | Iskra PSC R&PA (PSC R&PA Iskra, Research-Production Association) | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
75. | Iskra-Avigaz CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
76. | Izhora Pipe Mill CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
77. | JFE Steel Corporation | Japan | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
78. | Katod CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with |
79. | KATRAN LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
80. | Kronwerk Ltd. | Russia | participation in the Conference |
81. | Kropotkin engineering plant JSC (KrEMZ) | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
82. | KURAI, Trading House LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
83. | Labor Safety in Industry, journal | Russia | Inforamation partner of the Conference |
84. | Liski-Fittings CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
85. | MAGNET plus LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
86. | Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. | Japan/ Russia | participation in the Conference |
87. | MISIS, National University of Science and Technology | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
88. | Monotest, SPE, LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
89. | MRTS Holding LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
90. | Nauka, NPH, LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
91. | NEFTEGAZKOMPLEKS-CPS, Research and Production Association, LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
92. | New Technologies in Gas Industry, Equipment Manufacturers Association | Russia | participation in the Conference |
93. | NIIgazekonomika LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
94. | NIIturbokompressor named after V.B.Shepp CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
95. | Nippon Steel & Sumikin Welding Co.,Ltd | Russia/ Japan | participation in the Conference |
96. | NOVATEK JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
97. | OilGazMash, SIC, LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
98. | OLYMPUS | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
99. | Omsk State Technical University | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
100. | Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
101. | Pipe Innovation Technology LLC | Russia | Silver sponsor; participation in the Conference with |
102. | Pipeline Coatings and Technology LLC (Truboprovodnye Pokrytiya i Technologii) | Russia | participation in the Conference |
103. | Pipeline System Diagnosis Ltd. Co | Russia | participation in the Conference |
104. | Plakart ZAO (CJSC) | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
105. | Polytechtest, Testing Center | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
106. | PROMMASH TEST LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
107. | PSI | Germany | participation in the Conference |
108. | Pskovelektrosvar CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
109. | REP Holding Joint Stock Company | Russia | participation in the Conference with |
110. | Rosshelf | Russia | participation in the Conference |
111. | Russian Academy of Science | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
112. | Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
113. | Russian Gas Society | Russia | participation in the Conference |
114. | Russian Research Institute of the Tube and Pipe Industry JSC (RosNITI) | Russia | participation in the Conference with |
115. | Russian Union of Oil-and-Gas Builders | Russia | participation in the Conference |
116. | Ryazan State Instrument-Making Enterprise (RSIE) | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
117. | Samara-Aviagas LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
118. | Schneider Electric JSC | Russia/ France | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
119. | SERCONS certification authority | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
120. | SERCONS, journal | Russia | Information partner |
121. | Serimax | France | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
122. | SIBEX Ltd. | Russia | participation in the Conference |
123. | Sibneftetransproekt JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
124. | Sibur Geosint LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
125. | Siemens | Russia/ Germany | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
126. | Signal PYSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
127. | Simmakers Ltd. | Republic of Belarus | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
128. | Spetsneftegaz SPO | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
129. | SpetsPolimer, SPE LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference; participation in the Exhibition |
130. | STARMANS electronics s.r.o. | Czech Republic | participation in the Conference; participation in the Exhibition |
131. | Srtroygazmontazh LLC | Russia | Silver Sponsor; participation in |
132. | Sudislavsky zavod svarochnikh materialov LLC (Sudislav Plant of Welding) | Russia | participation in the Conference |
133. | Sudislavsky zavod svarochnikh materialov-METIZ LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
134. | TDW Eurasia LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
135. | Techprocomplect IFC LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
136. | Texprom LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
137. | Tikkurila LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
138. | TMK | Russia | participation in the Conference |
139. | Tomsk Polytechnic University | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
140. | Trading Company TIM LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
141. | Transneft — Diascan SC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
142. | Transneft Research and Development Institute for Oil and Oil Products Transportation LLC (Transneft R&D, LLC) | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
143. | TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
144. | UEC — Gas Turbines JSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
145. | Ultrakraft CJSC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
146. | Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
147. | Uraltruboprovodstroyproekt PF OOO | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
148. | Vega — Gaz LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
149. | VNIPIgazdobycha JC | Russia | participation in the Conference |
150. | Vyksa Steel Work (VSW) SC (OMK SC) | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
151. | VYMPEL, SPA, LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |
152. | WAUKESHA BEARINGS Russia | Russia | participation in the Conference |
153. | Welding and control, Science and Education Centre | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
154. | Welding and Testing of MSTU n.a. Bauman | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation |
155. | Welding Materials, Research and Development Center LLC | Russia | participation in the Conference with a presentation; participation in the Exhibition |