
The volume of abstracts should not exceed 1 page of printed text (for both Russian and English versions).

Page parameters:

Size — A4 (210 mm x 297 mm).

Margins — 20 mm at the top, bottom, right, left.

Print style:

Use Arial font for typing, 15 point size, single line spacing.

Text and typographical requirements:

Abstracts should reflect the content of the intended report in a summarized form. The use of tables and figures in the abstracts are not allowed.

Title of the report:

Bold font, all capital letters, center alignment; initials, last name of author(s), and organization name in parentheses are placed on the next line — italic bold, center alignment.

Software requirements:

Abstracts must be done in Microsoft Word format.

The abstracts should be sent to the Organizing Committee of the

Conference on Gas Chemistry-2022 by e-mail to gasochem2022@vniigaz.gazprom.ru

Key Dates:

Deadline for abstracts is April 30, 2022.

Deadline for papers acceptance is May 20, 2022.