Abstracts submission

Abstracts shall be received by October 25, 2021 for consideration by the Gasochem-2021 Organizing Committee. The abstracts shall include one page of printed text in English and one page of printed text in Russian:

  • 20 mm margins on A4 (210х297) paper size
  • Arial MS font 15 pt
  • Single line spacing
The abstracts should summarize the content of the paper you would like to submit. Please, also make sure to follow requirements below.

The title of the paper should be typed on the first line in bold text and in all caps. The next line should contain only author(s)’ names, author(s) surnames and affiliation (in brackets) all in bold italics. Use commas to separate author and co-author(s) names. Please, apply center alignment setting to both first and second lines.

Please, do not use tables and/or graphics in the abstract.

Software requirements

Only abstracts in Microsoft Word document format will be accepted.

Please, use the following email to submit abstracts to the Organizing Committee gasochem2021@vniigaz.gazprom.ru


Abstract Submission Deadline — October 25, 2021

Paper Submission Deadline — November 18, 2021