Seminar “Improvement of Reliability of Trunk Gas Pipelines Subject to Stress Corrosion Cracking”
The date and venue of The Seminar
25–26 May 2016
| Ilya Ryakhovskikh, Head of Laboratory, PhD +7 (498) 657–4048 (* 2115) |
| Anna Melnikova, Chief Specialist of Laboratory Phone: +7 (498) 657–4048 (* 2762) |
Information for participants
Application for Participation (DOC, 97 KB)
Requirements to Report Abstracts and Presentations (DOC, 86 KB)
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the event dedicated to improvement of reliability of Gazprom PJSC trunk gas pipelines subject to stress corrosion cracking.
The seminar is held with support of Gazprom PJSC (Letter of Gazprom PJSC on holding the Scientific-Technical Seminar in 2016).
The purpose of the seminar is to arrange a unique ground for knowledge exchange in the sphere of stress corrosion between the employees of Gazprom PJSC administration, managers and specialists of production business units of subsidiary companies and organisations of Gazprom PJSC, scientific workers of institutions of higher education, R&D institutes, managers of inspection and repair organisations, manufacturers of innovation products and technologies.
Within the frames of the Seminar the participants will present their reports in the sphere of safe trunk gas pipeline operation with insignificant pipe defects formed due to stress corrosion cracking as well as the issues of planning of inspection and repair works at gas pipeline sections subject to stress corrosion.
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Actual activities of Gazprom PJSC on the Seminar subject:
- results of experimental and natural studies of stress corrosion cracking, taking into account the specific features of trunk gas pipeline operation;
- analysis, development and improvement of regulations in the sphere of Gazprom PJSC trunk gas pipeline operation, workover and inspection;
- formation of requirements to products, materials, equipment and technologies applied for construction, inspection and repair of trunk gas pipelines;
- development of software, calculation methods for evaluation of the strength of trunk gas pipelines with corrosion mechanical defects, as well as experience of application of machine training technologies for simulation of multifactorial systems;
- experience of application of solutions aimed at improvement of trunk gas pipeline reliability against stress corrosion cracking.
Based on the results of the 2nd Scientific-Technical Seminar, the best reports will be published in the Scientific-Technical Collective Volume “Vesti Gazovoy Nauki” (
We are sure that we all together will manage to achieve significant success both in understanding of the stress corrosion cracking mechanism and in technical regulation of the operation process of trunk gas pipelines subject to stress corrosion cracking, development of requirements to new types of pipe products and protective coatings, as well as implementation of equipment and technologies for pipeline inspection and repair.
We hope that new acquaintances and experience gained at the seminar will form a rigid basis for solution of a complex and extremely important industry goal — improvement of reliability and resistance of trunk gas pipelines to stress corrosion cracking.
The interested participants can read the Minutes of the 1stScientific-Technical Seminar “Improvement of Reliability of Trunk GasPipelines Subject to Stress Corrosion Cracking” and the Collective Volume of Report Abstractsof the 1st Scientific-Technical Seminarkrn-2015_programma-i-tezisy.pdf (April 2015).