IV International conference «Environmental safety in gas industry»
The Conference date and venue
December 02–03, 2015
142717, Razvilka, Leninsky district, Moscow region, Russia
Tel.: +7 498 657 4666
Fax: +7 498 657 4421
E-mail: esgi2015@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
| Marina Plotnikovа, manager tel.: +7 498 657 46 66 mob.: +7 916 102 83 78 fax: +7 498 657 96 00 |
| Olga Bodurova, manager phone: +7 498 657 44 21 Fax: +7 498 657 96 00 |
The IV International Conference and the exhibition “Environmental Safety in Gas Industry” hosted by Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC will be held on December 02–03, 2015 under the auspices of Gazprom.
Representatives of state supervisory and regulatory bodies, scientists, specialists of Russian and foreign companies will convene to discuss relevant issues of environmental safety, efficient energy use and heath safety.
The Conference Program includes the Plenary Session, Panel Discussions ,Technical Sessions and the Closing Round Table.
Plenary Session:
- Welcoming address of Gazprom authorities
- Keynote presentations, viewpoints of state supervisory and regulatory bodies, the most significant achievements in the field of environmental safety.
Panel Discussions:
- Panel discussion “Best available techniques in the oil and gas industry” — participants: representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart), experts of BREF technical working groups, specialists from specialists from research and development centers and oil and gas companies.
- Panel discussion “Production and consumption waste: regulative initiatives, challenges and solutions” — participants: representatives of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, developers of waste processing technologies, manufacturers of waste treatment equipment, specialists from research and development centers and oil and gas companies.
- Panel discussion “Special evaluation study of labour conditions” — participants: representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers' Union (ROGWU), experts of evaluation study of labour conditions, specialists from research and development centers and oil and gas companies.
- Panel discussion “Production and fire security concerns at the stage of design and operation of oil and gas sites associated with the federal regulation changes” — participants: representatives of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor), Russian State Expertise Service (Gosekspertiza), the EMERCOM of Russia, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, specialists from research and development centers and oil and gas companies and subsidiaries.
Technical sessions:
Section A “Environmental safety in the oil and gas complex”
— Environmental management: methodology of development and practice of implementation.
— Environmental protection technologies.
— Strategic projects of the industry — preventive solutions of environmental impact mitigation.
— Environmental impact regulations, concerns about adopting complex environmental allowances.
— Environmental impact monitoring at all stages of oil and gas facilities lifecycle.
Section B “Energy efficiency in the oil and gas complex”
— General principles and aspects of energy efficiency and energy saving system implementation in oil and gas companies.
— Advanced energy saving techniques: problems and concerns of implementation in the modern economy.
— Experience and problems of energy service contracts.
— Regulation issues of natural gas consumption for own needs and process losses of gas in the major oil and gas operations
— Monitoring of energy saving and energy efficiency.
Section C “Industrial security and labour safety in the oil and gas complex”
— Regulation of labour safety and industrial security. Safety culture;
— Human safety rules of working at production facilities. Industrial hazard protection media and systems;
— Production control. Sanitary and hygienic requirements of design, operation and liquidation of oil and gas facilities;
— Medical, biological and social aspects of human activities on oil and gas sites;
— Regulation and methodology of industrial security on oil and gas sites;
— Analysis and assessment of risks of oil and gas facilities: experience in design and operation;
— Methods and techniques of post-emergency practice in the oil and gas complex..
Closing session / Round table:
Official languages of the Conference are Russian and English. Speakers should submit their materials in Russian or English or both. The simultaneous translation will be provided.
Abstract submission
Deadline for abstract submission is October 15, 2015. Abstracts shall be then considered by the Organizing Committee of the Conference. The abstract volume should not exceed 800 signs (max), including the names of authors, company, addresses and the name of the contact person to exchange necessary information. Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format. Abstracts should clearly summarize the contents of the paper.
Abstracts sent by fax shall not be considered.
Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail or on CDs at the address:
Conference ESGI-2015
Organizing Committee
142717, Moscow region, Razvilka, Leninskiy district.
Tel.: +7 (498) 657-46-66
E-mail: esgi2015@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
Key dates
Deadline for abstracts | — | October 15, 2015 |
Deadline for papers | — | November 15, 2015 |
Registration form
The registration form in MSWord and Adobe PDF format is available on our site. Please, fill in the form and send it by fax or e-mail. You can also register online.
After your registration form is received, the invoice for the registration fee will be sent to you. As soon as the payment is effected, we will send you the confirmation by e-mail.
Registration fee (including VAT)
In the sum equivalent to 700 euro before/on October 15, 2015,
850 euro after October 15, 2015
Discount conditions:
—10% for 3 participants of the company attending the Conference,
The registration fee includes:
- participation in all Conference sessions;
- delegate's pack (including delegate’s briefcase, notepad, program, list of abstracts and a souvenir);
- conference Proceedings CD (to be posted after the Conference);
- attendance at all presentations and ESGI-2015 exhibition stands;
- welcome party and farewell party;
- coffee breaks, lunches.