The VI International Conference and the exhibition “Environmental Safety in Gas Industry”
The Conference venue
Proyektiruemy proezd #5537, Estate 15,
Bld. 1 Razvilka settlement, Leninsky District,
Moscow region, 142717, Russia
| Plotnikova Marina, Conference Coordinator Tel.: +7 498 657 4666 Fax: +7 498 657 4421 E-mail: |
For speakers
Key dates
Deadline for abstracts — October 15, 2019Deadline for papers — November 15, 2019
The VI International Conference and the exhibition “Environmental Safety in Gas Industry” hosted by Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC will be held on December 03–04, 2019 under the auspices of Gazprom.
Representatives of state supervisory and regulatory bodies, scientists, specialists of Russian and foreign companies will convene to discuss relevant issues of environmental and industrial safety, energy efficiency.
The conference program includes a Plenary session and Panel discussions. The conference will include an exhibition of advanced technologies and equipment for energy consumption and automated systems for monitoring the impact on the components of the environment.
Maxim Nedzvetskiy Director General |
Dear colleagues! I am pleased to welcome you at the VI International Conference «Environmental Safety in Gas Industry». Environmental responsibility and energy efficiency are the major issues of the strategy of oil and gas companies, leaders in the energy market. The activities of Gazprom VNIIGAZ Corporate Research and Development Center for Ecological Safety and Energy Efficiency fully comply with the environmental policy of PJSC Gazprom. The center develops solutions based on the best available technologies which minimizes the impact on the climate and the environment, as well as the rational use of resources. Today, our mission is to leave ecological reserves for our descendants and teach them how to take care of our planet. “Mankind can no longer spontaneously build its history, but must coordinate it with the laws of the biosphere, from which man is inseparable.. V.I. Vernadsky” I am sure that the exchange of views at the Conference will be useful both for representatives of state bodies and specialists at the workplace. We have common goals and, therefore, communication will contribute to solving global industry problems. I wish the participants successful work and interesting discussions.
Oleg Aksyutin Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Head of Department | Dear colleagues,
Let me welcome all participants of the VI International Conference «Environmental Safety in Gas Industry» on behalf of the Management Committee of Gazprom PJSC and on my own behalf. Environmental safety and reducing environmental impact are the key factors for the sustainable development of the company, its competitiveness and investment prospects. Gazprom PJSC is objective about the potential environmental risks of its activities and makes every effort to prevent any negative impact and protect the environment. It is not by chance that the International Conference is for the sixth time held at Gazprom's head gas industry research center, where technologies for sustainable and environmentally friendly development of the oil and gas industry and improving energy efficiency of production facilities are created. I am sure that our Conference is a great opportunity to discuss important and relevant issues in energy conservation and environmental protection, the prospects for technologies to be adopted in order to ensure compliance with most stringent provisions of applicable laws.
I wish all participants successful work! |
Vladimir Grachev Chairman of the V.I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological, Foundation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Dear colleagues,
I welcome the participants of the VI International Scientific and Technical Conference «Environmental Safety in Gas Industry». The Conference has long been known as a leading dialogue platform to discuss current issues regarding new technological solutions in energy efficiency and environmental safety. Traditionally, representatives of business and government, non-governmental organizations and the scientific community share their experience in discussions, realizing that we should work together to find the most efficient solutions and develop the environmental policy underpinning the environmental safety of production. The environment is one of today's priority agendas. Interaction among the government, the scientific community and business is the key to solving global and local environmental issues. This interaction is centered around the national Ecology Project. Today business makes every effort to build a new environmental policy. An example is Gazprom PJSC and its affiliates, that come forward with pro-active initiatives to reduce the environmental impact and establish itself as a leader in Occupational Health, Safety and Environment. Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, in turn, being the company's head scientific and research center providing methodological support to gas production, transportation and processing projects, supplies cutting-edge technological solutions. The number of speakers willing to participate in the discussion on current topics that Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC offers for discussion at the Conference is growing annually. It speaks to a higher environmental and social responsibility of the business. I am sure that the VI International Scientific and Technical Conference «Environmental Safety in Gas Industry» will be an insightful event for all participants and become an efficient tool for finding technological solutions to develop a strong environmental safety culture in the gas industry, as well as for addressing the key concerns regarding improving energy efficiency, reducing the environmental impact and sustainable development of the gas industry. |
Plenary Session:
10:00–18:00 — December 03, 2019
- Welcoming address of Gazprom authorities
- Keynote presentations, viewpoints of state supervisory and regulatory bodies, the most significant achievements in the field of environmental safety.
Panel Discussions:
9:00 — 17:00 — December 04, 2019
- Environmental regulations: types, challenges and how to address them
- Climate risks and low-carbon economy — contemporary challenges for the industry
- Innovation: finding solutions to environmental problems
- Raising energy efficiency in production as the driver of technological development
Closing session summing up of the conference
17:00 — 18:00 — December 04, 2019.
Official language of the Conference
Official languages of the Conference are Russian and English. Speakers should submit their materials in Russian or English or both. The simultaneous translation will be provided.
Registration is closed.
The registration form in available for online and offline filling. Please, fill in the offline (DOCX, 31 KB) form and send it by fax or e-mail. You can also register online. After your registration form is received, the invoice for the registration fee will be sent to you. As soon as the payment is effected, we will send you the confirmation by e-mail.
Registration fee (including VAT)
In the sum equivalent to 750 euro before/on November 15, 2019,
900 euro after November 15, 2019
Discount conditions:
—10% for 3 participants of the company attending the Conference,
The registration fee includes:
- participation in all Conference sessions;
- delegate's pack (including delegate s briefcase, notepad, program, list of abstracts and a souvenir);
- conference Proceedings CD (to be posted after the Conference);
- attendance at all presentations and ESGI-2019 exhibition stands;
- welcome party and farewell party;
- coffee breaks, lunches.